We have exciting news to share with you! We are open and invite you to join us in person on Sundays at 9:30 am.
We are excited to be able to worship in person again, however, there are some slight changes for the next few weeks from the way we were previously gathering.
- We are asking that you do your best to honor the social distancing requirements.
- We will not be enforcing masks. Current guidelines say that masks are necessary when social distancing cannot be maintained. You are welcome to wear a mask if you prefer, and we ask that you would be respectful of those around you. Some people may want to wear their mask as they walk to and from their seat but remove it during the gathering.
- We will be rearranging our sanctuary so that family units can sit together, separated from the families around them by 6’ distances.
- You will not have to shake hands as you enter the church. Our welcome team will greet you with a wave and smile.
- We will have hand sanitizer available at the welcome center.
- We will not be holding our usual time of greeting during the service to shake hands.
- We will not be passing the offering plate, but instead we will have a basket at the welcome center for you (we do encourage you to give online if possible).
- Refreshments will not be available to further refrain from spreading the virus.
- We will have additional cleaning/sanitizing measures in place throughout the week to keep our place of worship a safe environment in which to gather.
- Kids Min will be starting on July 5th. You are still welcome to keep your children with you during the service if you would prefer. Our Kids Min is meeting in our largest meeting room to accomodate extra space for 6' distancing between children of different family units.
- We also have nursery available for preschool and under as needed.
We do ask that you keep your children with you before and after the service. The gym is currently unavailable due to projects that are being completed.
If it is nice outside, we encourage you to head outside to fellowship after the service.
We will not be having a live stream service on Sunday, but the sermon will be recorded (with both video and audio) and posted on our website by Tuesday.
Again, we recognize and understand that we are all at different places in regards to Covid-19 and we want to encourage you to come back to gathering physically only when you feel that it is best for you and your family. Patience and grace will be extended, and no judgement will be placed on you as you prayerfully consider when it is best to gather again with us.
We are excited to begin regathering as the people of God! Hebrews 10:24-25 says, “And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.” We need one another and our faith is to be shared in community. We look forward to seeing each one of you as we join together in worship!
You are loved,
Pastor Isaac Ketner
Updated July 1, 2020